
Diamond dazzle
Diamond dazzle

diamond dazzle
  1. Diamond dazzle full#
  2. Diamond dazzle license#

  • Cross-Popping Veins: Pops up a few times when characters get angry.
  • Cowardly Lion: The Adventure arc reveals Dazzle to be one of these when faced with actual combat.
  • Several of the pets from the show fall into this category as well.
  • Silver Spoon has an iguana and a large puppy.
  • Cool Pet: Dazzle, considering what he sometimes goes through for Diamond.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Diamond in Dazzle's body waddles with a Balloon Belly which turns out to be helpful when she has to keep in pace with penguins in World 4.
  • Caught in a Snare: Imperius gets caught in a harness when he goes to check on Peal in Dazzle's room.
  • Cats Are Superior: Peal, the more stereotypical cat, behaves this way toward Dazzle, who behaves more dog/pony/human-like.
  • Cats Are Mean: Averted with Dazzle, while he can be mischievous and selfish, he's not exactly mean.
  • Cat Stereotype: Dazzle's a black cat who can be either impish or mischievous toward Diamond depending on their moods.
  • Cat/Dog Dichotomy: Dazzle's dog habits are originally treated by Diamond as the opposite of the cat habits she wants him to have.
  • And again after her second nightmare in 'Catapult'.
  • Catapult Nightmare: Diamond after waking up from a nightmare in 'Resolution'.
  • Carved Mark: After escaping the video game world, Diamond's cutie mark still doesn't return, and she's forced to start living with a strange new mark instead.
  • When he was younger, he curled it up to make it easier to wag.
  • Cartoony Tail: Dazzle can hold things with his tail.
  • Cartoony Eyes: Nearly every character in the series.
  • Call-Back: After the Adventure arc, Filthy tells Diamond he has some fish for Dazzle.
  • Brown Note: Dazzle's shimmering eyes have a stunning effect on all who see them while he's attempting to "dazzle" them.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Diamond Tiara to Twilight Sparkle.
  • A Boy and His X: Diamond Tiara's relationship with her pet cat Dazzle is what the comic revolves around.
  • Bookends: The Adventure arc begins and ends with Diamond and Dazzle playing videogames.
  • And that's not counting Silver's family, whom Diamond may consider to be part of hers.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: An impossibly narcissistic daughter, a species-confused cat, a recluse mom who obsessively records everything, a strangely complacent butler, and a dad who can't cook.
  • Peal's no slouch when it comes to putting food away either, capable of scarfing down an entire cake in the time it takes Dazzle to pull ice cream out of a fridge.
  • diamond dazzle diamond dazzle

    She spends parts of the Adventure arc and the Life arc overweight from her big appetite.

    diamond dazzle

    This gets deconstructed twice, both times when she becomes a cat.

  • Dazzle can put away his food rather quickly, provided it's something he likes.
  • Big Bad: The Imps, specifically Illy, though they're rather lighthearted as far as MLP villains go.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Despite coming off as more of a nuisance than a threat at first, Illy the Imp ultimately proves to be a rather serious threat including taking Diamond's Cutie Mark and attempting to take Dazzle.
  • Messing with Diamond or calling him a 'cat' will make him see red.

    Diamond dazzle full#

    Peal's full name is Banana Peal, referring to her fur color and tendency to make restaurant owners nervous about 'slipping up'.

  • Banana Peel: Though no one's slipped on one, Diamond ends up wearing one whenever she ends up in the trash.
  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The recurring Imp infiltrates Diamond's sleepover disguised as a kitty cat.
  • Happens to Dazzle and Peal after the events related to Peal's tail being shaved.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Diamond and Dazzle both have their moments of this at times.
  • Ax-Crazy: Dazzle's shown signs of this, but only when he's referred to as a 'cat.'.
  • It takes weeks for the hair to grow back, and it causes quite a drop in Peal's self-esteem in the meantime.
  • Attack the Tail: Unusually, Played for Drama when it happens to Peal toward the end of the Sleepover arc.
  • Diamond dazzle license#

  • Artistic License – Animal Care: No one should ever feed their cats like Diamond feeds Dazzle.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Diamond's list of things she will not tolerate contains pity, insolence, thieves, insulting her family, and cantaloupe.

  • Diamond dazzle